June 26, 2023 - 2:57pm -- allman.68@osu.edu

Important County 4-H Updates for Club Members and Advisors

Hello Jackson County 4-H Volunteers!

The 2023 Jackson County Fair will be here in just a few short weeks! I would like to address some important clarifications for the following items:


Project Book Grade Sheets:

  • Club Advisors: please turn in your club's Project Book Grade Sheets by JULY 1ST!
  • Advisors can find the grade sheet attached, or online on the 4-H Volunteers page.
  • Reminder that each 4-H youth should have completed a project book and attended at least 5 4-H club events.


Booth Registration:

  • If your club would like to display a booth at the 2023 Jackson County Junior Fair, please indicate so by JULY 1ST by registering at go.osu.edu/JacksonBoothForm
  • Booth decorating will take place Tuesday, July 11th and Wednesday, July 12th from 5-8 PM.
  • Guidelines for booth decorating and judging can be found in the 2023 Fairbook on the Jackson County Junior Fair page of our website.
  • Booth exhibits at the County Fair are one of the best ways to develop a good public relations program for 4-H and your club in Jackson County. It keeps the public informed of your activities and is good training for the young people who participate. I encourage all of our clubs to set up a booth and provide your youth the opportunity to exhibit their livestock and non-livestock project work.


Tablescapes & Beautification Projects

  • Entry forms for Tablescapes & Beautification Projects can be found online at go.osu.edu/JacksonCountyFair
  • Tablescape Entries are due by July 10th to the Extension Office or via email to me so we can make sure we have space marked out for them. Tablescapes can be set up during Booth setup.
  • Beautification Project entries are due before noon on Monday of the Fair.


Pen Assignments:

The Livestock Committee would like a list from each 4-H club containing the following information by JULY 1ST:

How many individual animals (not pens) is each youth in your club bringing to the Fair?

  • I.e. McKinlee Carper: 2 hogs, 1 dairy beef feeder
  • I.e. Maddie Allman: 4 rabbits

This will help the Livestock Committee assign pens for the upcoming Fair.


Fair Passes:

Additionally, Club Advisors should provide the # of Fair Passes that your club will need for the upcoming Fair by JULY 1ST!


  • Youth ages 2 and under get into the Fair free.
  • Sibling passes are $10.00 each and are available for 4-H members' siblings that are ages 3-5.
  • Clubs get ONE (1) $10.00 advisor pass per FIVE (5) youth enrolled in their club.
  • Advisors must be enrolled and approved to receive a pass.


Demonstration & Illustrated Talk Contest:

The 4-H Demonstration & Illustrated Talk Contest will take place on Wednesday, July 19th at 1:00 PM in the 4-H Building.

If you have a child or group that is interested in public speaking, please send them the information!


Secretaries Books:


Other Notes & Reminders:

  • Don't forget about your Thank You posters for 2022 buyers. Those need to be hanging by noon on Friday of the Fair.
  • Pen Decorations need to be up by noon on Monday of the Fair to be eligible for judging.


Please reach out to the Extension Office if you have any questions! 
