July 2, 2024 - 12:01pm -- allman.68@osu.edu

July 4-H News & Updates

Dear 4-H Families,

Check out the full July 2024 Jackson County 4-H Newsletter attached at the bottom of this email, or online at go.osu.edu/Jackson4HNews. PLEASE READ THIS EMAIL IN ITS ENTIRETY.

July 4-H News

A reminder that the Extension Office is closed on Thursday, July 4th and Friday, July 5th. We will be back in the Office on Monday, July 8th. Additionally, Office Staff will be moving their offices to the Fairgrounds on Thursday, July 11th for the Fair. We will not return to regular Extension Office hours until Monday, July 22nd. Instead, you can find us in the Junior Fair Office at the Fairgrounds!

Keep your eyes out for an additional schedule of activities that will be provided by our 4-H Summer Student Assistants this year at the fair. They are excited to be offering things like robotics, crafts, games and more all week to kiddos at the Fair. Stay tuned!


Member & Parent Reminders


  • All junior fair entries into the FairEntry system were due by June 15th! If you did not get your FairEntries in, please CALL the office ASAP!!


Drug Use Notification Forms (DUNFs) - Due July 13th!!!

  • Drug Use Notification Forms (DUNF) are now available and are due by weigh-in on July 13th! ALL Market Exhibitors are REQUIRED to have a DUNF on file. THEY MUST BE TURNED IN BEFORE YOUR ANIMALS CAN WEIGH-IN!
  • Poultry Exhibitors: You must WAIT until you recieve your leg bands at the fair to fill out your DUNFS. Once you have recieved your proper animal ID, then you may complete the form. 
  • This form is a declaration that your animal is either 1) free from medications or 2) is not free from medications and lists the specified withdrawal time necessary. The DUNF is a legal document between the exhibitor and the Ohio Department of Agriculture. By law, you are required to be truthful about the medicated status of your animals.
  • Go to go.osu.edu/JacksonDUNF to complete your online form.


Skillathon Contest:

  • The 2024 Jackson County Skillathon Contest is Sunday, July 7th from 12:00 - 4:00 PM at the 4-H Building on the Jackson County Fairgrounds.
  • No need to enter - just show up!
  • What is Skillathon? Skillathon is a fun test of your knowledge surrounding different species of animals shown at the Fair. Test your knowledge in one or all categories for a chance to win a prize!


Horse Exhibitors: Coggins Test Results

  • Results for the Coggins Tests that were taken during the Mandatory Horse Check-In can be found at GlobalVetLink.com under your account. Please use the email that you listed on your Coggins Test Form to log into your account. YOU WILL RECIEVE AN EMAIL FROM GLOBAL VET LINK ASKING YOU TO CREATE AN ACCOUNT. THIS IS WHERE YOU WILL ACCESS YOUR COGGINS. WHEN THE COGGINS ARE BACK, YOU WILL RECIEVE AN EMAIL WITH THEM. THEY WILL ALSO SHOW UP ON YOUR GLOBAL VET LINK ACCOUNT. YOU CAN PRINT THEM FROM EITHER EMAIL OR GVL.
  • Please make sure to bring a copy of your coggins on Sunday, July 14th by 11 A.M. Hand it to a horse committee member when you arrive to unload your horse. If we do not have a copy of your Coggins test results, you will not be allowed to show at the 2024 fair.


Rabbit Exhibitors: Important Notes!

  • Rabbit exhibitors, because FairEntries were due June 15th, and rabbit tattooing was on June 29th, you were not able to completely do your FairEntries. Never fear! The Office Staff is taking care of it for you. All you need to do is fill out your DUNF accurately prior to weigh-in. We will pair the correct tattoo numbers together in FairEntry after weigh-in is complete.


Pullorum Testing for Fancy Chickens - Saturday, July 6th from 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

  • Per Ohio Poultry Association and Ohio Department of Agriculture, Pullorum testing is required for chickens, turkeys, as well as non-waterfowl like guinea fowl, pheasants, and quail unless they have paperwork that they come from an NPIP flock/hatchery. In Jackson County, all of the market chickens, ducks, and turkeys ordered have come from an NPIP hatchery. They do not have to be Pullorum tested unless they have been co-mingled with a backyard flock. Ducks are waterfowl and are exempt from Pullorum testing.
  • The rapid whole blood plate test is only intended for use in chickens and other species listed above; NOT for turkeys. A different test must be used for turkeys. Doves, pigeons and waterfowl are and have been exempt from testing in Ohio.
  • Breeding Poultry exhibitors should bring breeding poultry in and out on the day of the poultry show. Breeding Poultry do not stay at the fairgrounds all week due to a lack of pen space. 


Open Weigh Day - Saturday, July 6th from 4-7 PM

  • Any exhibitor wishing to know their animal's weight prior to the Jackson County Fair may bring their animal to the Fairgrounds on Saturday, July 6th to be weighed. This is NOT mandatory. This is an opportunity for those without scales at home to see what weight their animals are at.


Carcass Contest Reminder - Sunday, July 7th @ 7:00 PM

  • The Jackson County Junior Fair Carcass Contests will be held on Sunday, July 7th starting at 7:00 PM at the Jackson County Fairgrounds. This year, Market Steers and Market Hogs will be evaluated and judged on their carcass value. Following the live, on-hoof show, animals will be slaughtered and evaluated. The hanging carcass show will be Saturday, July 13th at 3:00 PM at Circle M Meats. Anyone is welcome to attend these exhibitions to learn more about carcass quality and meat judging. The show is open to spectators and supporters. These 4-H members have worked so hard all year in preparing for this day. Come out and support these youth during their carcass contests!


4-H Awards & Ohio State Fair Notifications

  • The 4-H Awards Ceremony will be held on Sunday, July 14th at 5:00 PM in the Livestock Show Arena.
  • For those of you who exhibited Non-Livestock 4-H Projects this year, awards and Ohio State Fair delegates will be announced. Ohio State Fair packets will also be distributed this night. Come out and support these amazing youth for their project achievements!


Cloverbud Activity Day at the Fair

  • On Thursday, July 18th, the Jackson County Junior Fair Board and 4-H Advisory Council will be offering 4-H Cloverbud activities starting at 1:00 PM. Cloverbuds interested in participating are to meet at the Livestock Office pavilion before 1:00 PM. Participating Cloverbuds will receive a fun prize!


Cloverbud Graduation

  • The Cloverbud Graduation Ceremoney, for those 2nd Grade Cloverbuds entering into 4-H membership age next year, will be held during the 4-H Awards Ceremoney on Sunday, July 14th @ 5:00 PM.
  • Graduating Cloverbuds are welcome to decorate caps (provided by the 4-H Advisory Council) during 4-H Booth Decorating on Tuesday and Wednesday before the Fair (July 9th and 10th). General craft supplies will be available, but please bring any specific decorations your child might want to include on their cap.


Senior Graduation & Senior Boards

  • 4-H Graduating Seniors will be recognized at the 4-H Awards Ceremony on Sunday, July 14th at 5:00 PM. Seniors may wear their caps & gowns and 4-H graduation chords.
  • Graduating seniors are also welcome to display a board in the 4-H Booth Building during the week of the Fair. The 4-H Advisory Council has provided a board to each 4-H Senior, and they can be picked up in the Livestock Office during 4-H Booth Decorating next week. Boards should be displayed by Monday of the Fair.

Download the 4-H Calendar to stay up to date!

Check out the July 4-H Newsletter for more opportunties and events!


Volunteer Updates & Club Management Reminders

ALL 4-H Fundraising Bills due to the 4-H Advisory Council by July 1st! Clubs with outstanding bills are not considered clubs in good standing and will not receive Fair Passes. Please write a check to the 4-H Advisory Council. With questions, reach out to Kathi Wilson, Advisory Council Treasurer, or our Office Associate, Annie Miller.


4-H Club Project Book Bills are also due by July 1st!! Clubs should drop off their remaining 4-H Project Book Bills to the Extension Office ASAP, along with a Thank You note signed by your club thanking Adena for their sponsorship of 4-H Project Books this year. Advisors can reach out to Office Associate, Annie Miller, with questions.


Fair Pass Distribution & Information:

  • Fair passes will be distributed during 4-H Booth Decorating on Tuesday, July 9th and Wedneday, July 10th from 5-8 PM in the 4-H Building at the Fairgrounds.
  • A reminder that passes are only distributed to those 4-H members and volunteers in good standing.
  • Clubs need to turn into the Extension Office the number of 4-H Sibling Passess (ages 3-5) ($12.00) ASAP so they may have the correct amount.


Junior Fair Fun Night Forms Due July 1st!!

Clubs interested in participating in Fun Night should download the entry forms and submit them to me at allman.68@osu.edu.


Booth Registration Forms Due July 1st!!

Click the link below to download the form:


Other Contests Entry Forms Due July 15th!!!

Click each link below to download the forms and submit them to me at allman.68@osu.edu.


Additionally, any club Secretaries or News Reporters interested in having their officer books/news reports judged should submit them to the Junior Fair Office by Monday, July 15th.


Pen Assignments:

  • Primary Advisors: CHECK YOUR EMAIL! The Livestock Committee/Horse Committee has sent you information regarding pen assignments. Please return their email ASAP so they can ensure they have the correct amount of pens for your club.


Check out the July 4-H Newsletter for more opportunties and events!


I know this was a huge email packed with information. Looking forward to seeing you all at the 2024 Jackson County Junior Fair!



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Maddie Allman

Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development 

College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Jackson County OSU Extension

17 Standpipe Rd. Jackson, Ohio 45640

jackson.osu.edu | allman.68@osu.edu

Main: (740) 286-5044 | Direct: (740) 688-5032