Jan. 25, 2023
Have you heard of the Master Gardener Volunteer program that is offered by Ohio State University Extension? If you haven’t, Master Gardeners is a volunteer program that provides an intensive training in horticulture for the experienced and inexperienced volunteer in gardening. The program was founded in 1972 in Seattle Washington by an extension agent that wanted to create a strong, garden-based group to help spread education and research-based information to the public.
Jan. 24, 2023
Submit Your 2023 Jackson County Junior Fair Theme Suggestions!
Submissions due by April 15th!
Jan. 19, 2023
Livestock Breeder Contact Information Needed!
In an effort to help new and returning 4-H and FFA families find livestock projects for the Jackson County Fair, we are collecting information to put together a Breeder's List for each species to share with our community. If you or a breeder you know are interested in being added to the list to share with these exhibitors, please add your information below:
Jan. 05, 2023
New Volunteer Enrollment Application (CLICK HERE) - Due by January 31, 2023.
Dec. 23, 2022
Keeping Livestock Warm during Extreme Winter Cold
Worried about keeping your livestock warm during these record cold conditions? Jackson County OSU Extension has put together a few helpful tips to keep your herds warm and dry all winter season long!
Although most livestock animals are well adapted to cold weather, extreme cold requires new ways of thinking about protecting them. Environment, food, & water are essential for keeping your livestock alive during winter storm conditions.
Dec. 01, 2022
The December Jackson County 4-H Newsletter is now available!
Check out the newsletter on the 4-H Newsletters page.
Nov. 09, 2022
The November ANR Newsletter is now available! Click Here!
Nov. 02, 2022
The November Jackson County 4-H Newsletter is now available!
Check out the newsletter on the 4-H Newsletters page.
Oct. 18, 2022
November Mandatory 4-H Volunteer Training Scheduled for November 17th from 6:00 - 8:00 PM at the Jackson County OSU Extension Office.
ALL Jackson County 4-H volunteers are HIGHLY encouraged to attend. One volunteer from each club is REQUIRED to attend. Please contact Maddie at allman.68@osu.edu or call the office with any questions.
Oct. 18, 2022
The October Jackson County 4-H Newsletter is now available!
Check out the newsletter on the 4-H Newsletters page.