
  1. Friends of 4-H Fundraiser Dinner to be held Oct. 10 at Canter’s Cave 4-H Camp

    Oct. 08, 2015

    You can help ensure the survival of the Jackson County 4-H Youth Development Program for its current 600-plus membership, as well as future generations of young people, by attending and participating in a special fundraising event.

    The Jackson County Friends of 4-H is holding a dinner and auction Saturday, October 10 at Canter’s Cave 4-H Camp. The annual event is crucial in helping to raise sufficient funds to operate the 4-H program in Jackson County.

  2. Honor Club Scoresheets Are Due

    Sep. 02, 2015

    Club advisors, it is time to submit your Honor Club Scoresheets for 2015. Please download either the Excel or PDF version of the form, fill it out, and return it to the Jackson County OSU Extension Office. You can drop it off in person during regular business hours (9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday), drop it in the mail slot, or email them to Bradford Sherman, Office Associate at

  3. Check Out PROJECT CENTRAL for What's New in 4-H Books and More!

    Feb. 23, 2015

    Project Central
  4. Order Forms for Market Chicks & Turkeys

    Feb. 23, 2015

    Check out the order forms...

    MARKET CHICK Order Form

    MARKET TURKEY Order Form


  5. Scholarships Available

    Feb. 23, 2015

    Take a look ...

    Ohio Valley Bank 4-H Scholarship - due March 1,accepted March 2nd as the 1st is a Sunday

  6. 2014 County Highlights Available

    Jan. 27, 2015

    Jackson County 2014 County Highlights

    These reports summarize the impact of our Extension professionals, and our numerous partnerships with community leaders, by highlighting success stories in each of our impact areas:

    • Strengthening Families and Communities

    • Preparing Youth for Success

    • Enhancing Agriculture and the Environment

    • Advancing Employment and Income Opportunities

  7. Welcome Carina

    Dec. 19, 2014

    Carina Dickens joined the Jackson County Extension Office on September 8 as Program Assistant, EFNEP. Welcome to Jackson County, the Ohio Valley EERA and the Southeast Region!
