Current Teacher Resources 

4-H in the Classroom Flyer DOWNLOAD: PDF

REG Data Collection Guide DOWNLOAD: PDF | PDF (Fillable) | DOC

Jackson County 4-H ChickQuest Teacher Guide DOWNLOAD: PDF | DOC

Interested in our Teen Leaders visiting your school to promote 4-H? Call or email us today!

Are you a teacher looking for ways to change up your curriculum and bring in new ideas to your classroom? Look no further, 4-H can help! 

Youth ages 5-18 can participate in 4-H projects as an afterschool SPIN club or focus on specialized 4-H programs as an extension of the existing youth after-school program/youth organization. We offer FREE 4-H afterschool programs, training, and resources to run a 4-H program, or we are able to come out and teach 4-H curriculum. 

WHY CHOOSE 4-H?Experiential Learning Model Chart

Youth participating in a 4-H club or program learn leadership, citizenship, and life skills all while having fun! The Experiential Learning Model keeps youth engaged in what they learn, and allows them to think critically and solve problems independently. Our goal is to provide the community with science-based knowledge to create oppputunities to improve social, econmical and enviromental conditions. 4-H empowers all youth to reach their potential and help them succeed. 


In 2018 almost 558,000 youth participated in a 4-H club, group, or special interest program in Ohio. Here in Jackson County we served nearly 2,500 youth through 4-H through traditional community clubs, school programs, SPIN clubs, camping programs, and more. According to a Tufts study, 4-H'ers contribute more to their families and communities, achieve higher grades in school and are more likely to go to college. 4-H'ers are also less likely to suffer from depression and less likely to participate in risky behavior like drinking or smoking. 


Jackson County 4-H offers 4-H in-school and afterschool programs, as well as the training and resources you will need to run a 4-H program, such as a 4-H SPIN Club. We are more than happy to come out and teach 4-H curriculum to your classroom as well, and can offer programs in a wide variety of areas. Click each area below to learn more! 

  • STEAAM Education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Agriculture, and Math)
  • Healthy Living
  • Agriculture & Natural Resource Education (including Monarchs on the Move and ChickQuest egg incubation programs)
  • Career Exploration and Workforce Readiness (including Real Money, Real World)

... and more!

Have an idea for programming you want to offer in your classroom? Connect with us! OSU Extension is happy to partner for both short-term and long-term projects. 

Want more information? Contact Maddie Allman at or call the Extension Office at (740) 286-5044


STEAAM Education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Agriculture, and Math)

A key program area of 4-H Afterschool is STEM. Jackson County 4-H can offer a wide variety of programming in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Agriculture, and Math. Our program was awarded a classroom set of 25 Apple iPads and 15 Sphero Robots as part of an Apple Education Grant. We can use these tools to deliver robotics, computer science, and other STEM lessons in your classroom. Only just a few of the curriculum we have are listed below: 

... and more! 

Healthy Living

Jackson County 4-H works with Jackson County SNAP-ED to offer fun and engaging healthy living programs in classrooms across the county.

  • Exercise
  • 4-H Yoga for Kids
  • Nutrition & Healthy Eating
    • Let's get cooking! We can even lead hands-on, make-your-own snack activities with your students! 
  • Mental Health & Stress Management
  • Health Rocks!

... and more! 

If you are interested in healthy living programs for your students, contact Carina Dickens at or call the Jackson County OSU Extension Office at (740) 286-5044. 

Agriculture & Natural Resource Education

Did you know that after a 17-year gap, Jackson County now has an Agriculture & Natural Resources Extension Educator? Josh Winters is excited to offer ANR programs in Jackson County to people of all ages - including your students! 

OSU Extension can visit your classroom and teach your students about a multitude of topics, including exploring our food systems and the world around us. ChickQuest is our most popular ANR school program, but there are plenty more opportunities where that came from! 

  • Gardening and growing your own foodGrowing Teachers
    • Growing Teachers Throughout the Seasons: Growing Teachers Throughout the Seasons is a school gardening curriculum that is the result of a partnership between OSU Extension and Columbus City Schools. If you want to explore integrating this new curriculum into your classroom, visit to learn more.
  • Pollinator education
  • Wildlife education
  • Food Science
  • ChickQuest
  • Monarchs on the Move
  • 4-H Ag Innovators Experience & National 4-H STEM Challenges

WitChick in Incubator4-H Chick Quest, students can explore skills in science, math, language arts and much more! This 21-day program allows students to observe the chick incubation process and hatch their own eggs. The new curriculum is geared towards 3rd and 4th grade students.  

Want more information about 4-H Chick Quest? Check out Ohio 4-H's page on ChickQuest curriculum

Cost: FREE!

How to get started: The Jackson County OSU Extension Office can provide you with all the resources you need to facilitate ChickQuest in your classroom. Email or call Maddie for more information on ordering fertalized eggs, obtaining one of our office's incubators, and accessing the student logbooks and facilitator guides. 

Download the Jackson County 4-H ChickQuest Teacher Guide for additional guidance and tips!


Monarch ButterflyWith 4-H Monarchs on the Move, students can explore skills in science, math, language arts, and much more as they learn about the importance of pollinators in our world, hatch their own Monarch Butterfly eggs, and learn about metamorphasis. The new curriculum is geared towards all ages (K-12). 

More information on 4-H Monarchs on the Move (and additional pollinator education curriculum) to come! 

Cost: $30



... and more! 


Career Exploration and Workforce Readiness: Real Money, Real World

Real Money, Real World (RMRW) is a youth-focused financial literacy program from Ohio State University Extension. It can be used with youth ages 12-18, but it is ideally suited for youth ages 13-16. The curriculum is best suited to be taught to entire grade levels at a time, so that the entire age group of students gain the real-life experience given to them by the simulation. The curriculum is time-tested and has been highly successful because of the creative community efforts of Extension educators, local school teachers, and community volunteers.

RMRW is fun and distinctive because it includes an interactive spending simulation that provides the opportunity to make lifestyle and budget choices similar to those made by adults. RMRW consists of three parts:

  • Part I: Four preparatory classroom lessons.
  • Part II: A hands-on budget management and decision-making spending simulation.
  • Part III: A post-session evaluation of spending choices made during the simulation.

Jackson County OSU Extension can provide you with all the materials needed to teach the curriculum in your classroom, and help gather volunteers to facilitate the Real Money, Real World simulation. 

Typically, educators will begin the prepatory lessons on Monday, and end with the simulation on Friday. More information about Real Money, Real World can be found at

Want more information? Contact Maddie Allman at or call the Extension Office at (740) 286-5044