What is a SPIN Club?
A 4-H SPIN Club is a special interest club where five or more youth learn about a topic of interest. Topics vary and include interests such as nature, heritage arts, science, photography, gardening, shooting sports, robots, and more!
Purpose: To help youth gain mastery of a specific topic or skill through a 4-H special interest club. A SPIN Club is designed to be more flexible than a "Traditional" 4-H Community Club. The guidelines for meetings are less rigid and allow for greater flexibility when scheduling the meetings or "sessions".
Success Criteria: Youth, ages 8 to 18, will join the special interest (SPIN) club and participate in a series of hands-on learning experiences to gain new knowledge and skills. At the end of the experience, youth should be able to show that they have mastered the skills and evaluate what they have learned. Through these learning experiences youth will have opportunities to develop a sense of belonging, independence, and generosity through working successfully with a caring adult, practicing decision making and leadership, and giving back to the community through community service.
Time Required: Time for planning, teaching youth, reflecting on what worked well or areas where improvement is needed, and celebrating and recognizing learning. The SPIN Club must meet a minimum of six (6) hours. These hours can be completed multiple ways:
- 6 one-hour sessions (typically meets once a week for 6 weeks)
- 3 two-hour session
- 2 three-hour sessions
- 1 six-hour session (day camp)
Advisor Responsibilities:
- Plan an overview of the skills to be taught.
- Direct and guide youth as needed to help youth learn the skills necessary to achieve mastery of the topic.
- Provide a sense of belonging to the youth by creating a welcoming feeling at each session.
- Allow for independence and give youth opportunities for leadership roles in the club.
- Promote a feeling of generosity by demonstrating appropriate behavior towards others.
- Along with the youth, plan and promote an event to showcase the skills and knowledge learned through participating in the special interest club.
- Promote additional 4-H experiences that are available to 4-H SPIN club members.
- Complete an evaluation form for feedback.
- Keep youth safe and develop a risk management plan for activities, if appropriate.
Advisor Requirements:
- Fill out required Jackson County 4-H Volunteer Application found here.
- Fill out required club details form found here.
- Ensure all members fill out the Member Enrollment Form found within the SPIN Club Packet or online.
- Commit to meeting at least six hours with the youth (at least 5 youth from 3 different families).
- Recruit at least one additional volunteer to help with the group so that one adult is never alone with youth. Practice “two-deep leadership.” Additional volunteers must also apply to be Jackson County 4-H Volunteers.
Advisor Resources:
- SPIN Clubs Tip Sheet
- 4-H SPIN (SPecial INterest) Club Curriculum: Potential Resources
- How to Conduct a 4-H SPIN Club
- Ohio 4-H SPIN Club Charter Checklist
- Jackson County 4-H SPIN Club Packet
Questions or ready to start your own 4-H SPIN Club?
Fill out the Jackson County 4-H SPIN Club Packet and return to Maddie Allman at allman.68@osu.edu